いけばなの根源 池坊華展のお知らせ
* 5月22日(水) から27日(月) まで、池坊の東京華展が日本橋三越本店 本館 7階際物会場で開催されます。
この華展は、池坊の一番大きな華展ですので見応えがあります。今年は「What’s IKEBANA?」と題して、いけばながいろいろ分かる企画が沢山あります!
*Ikenobo Tokyo Flower Arrangement Exhibition will be held from Wednesday, 22nd to Monday 27th May at Mitsukoshi Nihombashi Main Store 7 floor.
Since it is the biggest exhibition of Ikenobo, you’ll surely be overwhelmed its beauty. This year, the exhibition is entitled “What’s IKEBANA?” and you’ll have a chance to deepen your knowledge about “Ikebana” through various events as the title implies.
No.1 – “Enthronement Flower Arrangement of Emperor” is going to be restored and exhibited!
In 2019, The current emperor is stepping down as the first
Japanese emperor in about 200 years in order to pass his crown to the next
generation. Concurrently, the name of an era will be “Reiwa” and both are
significant events for Japanese. Enthronement Flower Arrangement is said to
have been given by Ikenobo at the enthronement
of successive emperors and will be stored as the Special exhibition to
celebrate the beginning of the new era
その②特別展示『池坊 × 葛飾北斎』
No.2 – Special Exhibition “Ikenobo x Katsushika Hokusai”
In the late 19th century, Japonism swept Europe and it was triggered by Hokusai. We refocus Hokusai and collaborate with him in Ikebana as world throw a spotlight on Japanese culture before Tokyo Olympic in 2020. You’ll be fascinated by the Japanese beauty of Ikebana-Ukiyo-e, Japanese woodblock prints, collaboration.
一般前売りチケット代700円 Advance ticket price 700 yen
Instagram も始めました。
西武新宿線沿い 西東京市 田無駅より徒歩11分の表千家茶道教室・池坊華道いけばな教室
蓮心会 高森 梨津子